This blouse is full of Princess Seams, I love them! I start by making 2 pieces, of the very front. One will serve as the lining.
I set one piece aside and finish the front. I pin and sew a panel on each side of the front piece.
I pin it to my dress form to keep it out of the way. I'll work on other pieces to get them all ready to come together.
My front lining is joined at the shoulders, to one back yoke.
I attach the two side panels to the middle back panel, using Princess Seams.
I gather the back, very slightly, then pin and sew one back yoke piece to it.
I pull out my basted stitches and it's a complete back.
I pin and sew the front to the back, at the shoulders and side seams.
It's coming together. Now, I need to get the linings ready.
Now, the somewhat tricky part, adding the lining. I carefully pin my lining in place, all the way around the neckline. I sew it in place, being as neat and straight as I possibly can. It is so easy to make this part look like crap, if you're not very careful.
Once that is done, I turn it to the inside and even everything up. I pin the back yoke lining to the inside of the back yoke.
I also make my pleats in the front, while I'm at it. This blouse has three small horizontal pleats in the middle of the chest. Three small buttons will go here, when it's finished. I haven't decided on my buttons yet, I have so many. But, I may buy new ones to get something different.
I stitch my pleats and put it back on my dress form. The neckline and the pleats look pretty good! Now, to hand stitch the lining pieces in place. This will take a little while. I'll watch (actually, listen to) some TV while I do this.
I pin it all where I want it and head to the couch to get comfortable while I sew.
This is taking forever!
Sew, I took a break and headed to JoAnn to look for buttons. I found a few that I liked. Sew, I bought them all. I had coupons that were expiring today, may as well use them. I got home and decided on the ones I wanted and...
Sewed them in place. I likey!
I get the flounces ready to go on the sleeves.
Gather them, pin and sew them in place. Then I add the sleeves to my bodice.
I prepare the peplum for gathering.
I pin the peplum around the bottom of my shirt. This was actually the most time consuming. I really want it to be evenly gathered, sew I have to adjust it several times. I finish it on my machine. I tidy up my seams and...
It's my new blouse!
Ok, I gotta say, I seriously love this! I will probably make this one again, in other fabrics.
Originally posted on March 24, 2013, by Stef
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