The Trail Head was a little over an hour drive from our home. It was snowing and covering everything as we got nearer to Wallace Falls State Park.

Our Meet-Up hiking group. Seven of us were there for the hike. Karen, Charlie, Linda, Rick and Jay, standing. Ann and Stef, kneeling.

Chatting on the trail as we began our hike. It was VERY cold, but the snow stayed away from us.

Ann must have said something mighty interesting. I sure looked interested, anyway!

One of the smaller falls, near the bottom, at the Interpretive Trail Loop. This one is actually called "Small Falls"! Go figure!

One of the many wooden bridges, built in the Wallace Falls State Park, by volunteers from the Washington Trails Association.

Smaller waterfalls were scattered around as we climbed. For the most part, the hike was all uphill. It is described as Easy/Moderate. I would classify it as Moderate/Difficult. It was pretty intense climbing. It wore Rick and Linda out too!

Bridge over Troubled Water. The river was raging!

Making my way down to the bridge.

The rushing water was deafening! And peaceful, all at the same time! =D

I could stay here all day. It was beautiful! The power of nature is so amazing!

The ascent! Leaving the bridge and starting the 3 mile climb to the Middle Falls, our goal!

Another smaller fall.

Three of our group, hiking ahead. Karen, Ann and Charlie.

Karen, Ann, Charlie and Rick, stopped to chat.

One of many viewpoints! I was actually pretty impressed. At various intervals, there were wooden benches, scattered about. It was nice to see families and other hikers, just relaxing and taking in the views. We passed many other groups as we hiked. It wasn't crowded, but it wasn't lonely. Just before Middle Falls, there is a covered pavilion with several picnic tables. We stopped there to have a snack, the best viewing spot for Middle Falls was just yards from the pavilion.

A view of Middle Falls from below. We still had quite a hike to get to the Pavilion and viewing area for it.

Rick, enjoying the views.

Stef likes it too!

You don't have to warn me but once!

Finally! Our destination!! It was so beautiful! The pictures don't do it justice. It was magnificent! Loud, majestic, beautiful! This is the 265 foot Middle Falls.

Karen, Charlie, Ann, Linda, Stef, Rick and Jay(Our Fearless Leader!).

Ann and Stef, cutting up.

It was a great day. The temperatures never made it past 40F. It wasn't really cold until we stopped for more than a minute or two. The hike was enough to keep us warm. So warm, in fact, that I spent most of the day with my jacket in my backpack. Everyone else kept their coats and jackets on. Must be my Italian blood! haha Next Saturday, 11/17/12, we head to Cherry Creek Falls, near Duvall, Washington. We have seven signed up for that one, so far. I hope more decide to join us. The more, the merrier! It'll be a great hike too!
Until next time! Stay safe and have a great week!
-Originally posted on November 11, 2012, by Stef-
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