The arrow points to Rattlesnake Ledge. This is where we are hiking to. Taken from the parking lot at the Trail Head.

Taken from the spot pointed to, in the previous photo. Our cars in the parking lot at the Trail Head, 1200 feet below us.

Group photo as we start the hike. From the left are: Jay, Linda, Stef and Rick. Only 4 of us braved the weather AND the day after Christmas, to get out and hike. I kept my jacket on, no longer than the first 5 minutes. I came out of it and hiked to the top and back in a sweatshirt.

Rattlesnake Lake, from ground level.

Another shot of Rattlesnake lake, before we ascended the mountain.

Part way up the trail.

Jay, our MeetUp leader, asked me to lead the hike today. I reluctantly agreed, thinking I would slow them down. I was wrong, Jay said I did an excellent job. They actually had to ask me to wait several times and before we were finished, they were calling me "Speedy"! haha It was a blast!

The nearer the top we got, the more snow we encountered. There was enough at this point that someone had built a miniature snowman and perched him on the sign. =D

Linda and Stef, a bit ahead of the others.

Rattlesnake Lake from above.

The summit! The footing on the last 10th of a mile was pretty slick, but we made it. It was extremely cold there.

The views were definitely worth the hike and the cold. The elevation gain was only 1200 feet, but there was no flat, all climb.

Jay, climbed a little down from us, closer to the edge.

Linda and Stef, enjoying the views. Snow was flying around us at this point.

Linda, Rick and Stef.

Jay, our illustrious leader.

Rick, at the summit.

Rick called me his little babushka. My ears and face got so cold at the top, I wrapped my scarf around my head.

It started snowing pretty steadily, as we were up there, thus the blotches in our group summit picture!

More views!

And more.

Stef and an incredible mountain range.

It's absolutely beautiful up here...and FREEZING! Muhahaha

Another peek at another peak.

Jay, pointing out the various mountains and peaks that are viewable from our spot on the summit.

Linda, Jay and Rick.

Mount Si, seen from Rattlesnake Ledge. If you look at the bottom, left of the mountain, you can make out Little Si too.

Mount Washington, as seen from Rattlesnake Ledge.

It was a great day! This coming Saturday, 12/29/12, we head to Stevens Pass for a Snowshoe hike. We will be dining at the Cascadia Inn afterwards. It should be a fun hike. Rick and I will be celebrating our 8th anniversary then, a day late.
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