The Sound.

Farther out on the Sound. So peaceful to just stand here and watch the sailboats and fishing vessels roll by.

The Experience Music Project with the Space Needle high above it. The building is almost as interesting outside as the displays and musical memorabilia inside. Seattle musicians at their finest, Jimi Hendrix, Soundgarden, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, the list goes on. You might get a Flannel Overdose during your visit here!

The sculpture outside the Experience Music Project. The Space Needle towers over it. This is not far from Sculpture Park, next time I'll go there. There are tons of interesting sculptures there.

A closer view of the Needle.

Outside the Experience.

Another side of the outside of the Experience. Very odd building.

The Experience Music Project.

The Experience is a HUGE building. It sure doesn't look like it, next to the Needle!

Almost touching the clouds!

One of the elevators, riding to the top.

Taken from above the city in Kerry Park on Queen Anne Hill. A plaque on the wall here states..."Kerry Park given to the City in 1927 by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sperry Kerry, Sr., so that all who stop here may enjoy this view."

When the Space Needle debuted at the 1962 World's Fair, it was painted "Galaxy Gold" (Orange as far as I can tell)! In honor of the 50th Anniversary this year, it was repainted in it's original color.

Seattle is a spectacular looking city, especially at night. Next time, I'll come back after dark!

Seattle has some pretty cool architecture. This building is especially cool to me!

The big city!

I love looking up at the tall buildings here.

More skyscrapers.

Next time, pictures from Sculpture Park and inside The Experience. Perhaps some from Harbor Steps too, it's beautiful there! And some night time Needle/Cityscape pictures.
-Originally posted on July 19, 2012, by Stef
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