Unloading Jay's van. 5 of us rode up with him, we met two others there. - by Jay

Everyone has their gear on and ready to take off. From the left are Ann, Jay, Stef, Vivian, Rick, Vickie, Marcia and Rudy.

Thems some tall trees!

The snow is very deep, deeper than we actually realize as we walk on it. Without snowshoes, we would make a much DEEPER impression on the landscape! haha - by Jay

Deep snow everywhere.

Faceplant! Ker-Splat!

I've fallen and I can't get up. Which is so true, it is a major struggle to get back on your feet, wearing snowshoes. I took about 5 shots of this and this is the only picture that turned out. I think my uncontrollable laughter was shaking the camera, the rest were blurred! If you look really close, you can see a perfect impression of Rick's face in the snow! Ok, I'm laughing again! Hahaha


Ann helps Rick after the EPIC Planting of thine Face!

It looks like a greeting Card everywhere I look. Can you say Hallmark? I knew that you could!

Trudging along. It was a lot of work. If you can walk, you can snowshoe...BUT, it's a whole different ballgame! There is an art to walking in snowshoes and NOT falling down. You have to be very mindful of your stride. You have to make sure you lift your feet, almost in a marching fashion, to avoid dragging the toe of the shoe in the snow and tripping on it. You need to walk wider, almost like you were riding a horse. If your feet are too close together as they go to and fro, you'll trip. You cannot turn around like you normally would, it is an accident waiting to happen. It's very easy for the snowshoes to cross and trip you. Once you fall down, it is difficult to get up. Snowshoeing will make you very tired after only a short time. It works entirely different muscle groups than normal walking.

Down in the valley, the valley so low.

Got Snow? - by Jay

Tall...Check! Snow Covered...Check. Must be the right place!

Our group, hiking along. - by Jay


Taking turns crossing the creek. We crossed one at a time, with the rest staying back, waiting their turns, as to not cause any undue weight to the "bridge". It was just a snow pack over the water. It wouldn't have been much fun to fall through! =D - by Jay

Stef, crossing the creek on the snow bridge.

Stef, in her totally fabulous, handy, dandy, warm HAT! It kept my head nice and toasty, but not so much that I ever had to remove it.

Rick, beating a path.

We walked very near the edge of the mountain. At some points, we had to use extreme caution to avoid falling over the side. Rick came very near sliding down, at on spot. - by Jay


Part of our group, enjoying the day.

Snow cave.

The mountain across from us.

Rudy with his Ice Sword!



Ice, Ice, Baby!

Overload of snow.

My poles and gloves...resting. They were tired. Ok, I admit it. It was me!

Ass Plant! You fall. You see your compadres rushing toward you. You look for the outstretched arms, helping you. Instead, you are blinded by the camera flashes, recording your mishap forever. You feel special. Alright, I was as guilty of this as the next guy, when Rick fell. Maybe more! Muhahaha

While I was down, I was encouraged to make a Snow Angel. How could I refuse? - by Jay

Having a good day.Well, up again and on my feet. That's a good day, in my book! <3

Look yonder! Snow!

Out of breath, taking a breather. Kind of an oxy-moron, wouldn't you say?

BIG snow...or Little People?

More beautiful scenery.


Something I found interesting and lovely.

You can see Highway 2 from way up here!

It was a beautiful day, spent with wonderful people, enjoying our time our in the beautiful PNW!
~Originally Posted on December 29, 2012, by Stef~
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