Six of us traveled to the trail head in Jay's van, a fun trip filled with joking, conversation and laughter. The ride there and back was almost as much fun as the hike itself. It was a fun group. We had Jay, of course, Rick and myself too. Sammye decided to join us again today. Linda also came, she is a regular. This time, Vic, a co-worker/friend of Rick's came along too. I had never met him before, but you'd not know it. We got along famously, we are both a bit "In your face" friendly. What a delightful guy! =D We left Lynnwood about 8am and arrived at the trail head around 9:30ish. After hiking, we headed to La Hacienda in Gold Bar, guessed it...Molcajete! Well, 4 of us had it anyway, Sam and Vic chose something different but just as yumzors!
Pictures of our day follow...
I was a bit worried, as I had read a review on the WTA website, two days ago, that stated the hikers were turned away, because a Forest Ranger and US Forest Service workers were digging a trench and installing new rest rooms. They were not allowed to park or hike. As we approached the trail head, I saw the new, shiny structure standing there and a nice backhoe. But, it was finished, open and operational. The trail was open! Yay! We parked, unloaded and got ready to hike. Of course someone had to check out the new facilities! This is, most likely, the only time we will ever see or smell it this clean and fresh again!

The trail immediately started off lush and lovely.

I seriously love these giant, twisted, moss covered trees. I think they grow here just so I can look at them. Lord, I'm easily amused!

In some places, the trails looked like this. In others they were jagged and steep. Overall, the trail was very nice, very little in the way of debris, roots or large rocks.

More cool trees placed purely for my personal enjoyment. Ain't life grand?

A sighting of a rare forest creature. It looks friendly, let's move a bit closer and see. It is! It is! This creature is called Vic!

Isn't it super cool that these logs and gravel just happen to fall like this, so we have a decent path to walk on?

Another forest creature. Not sure this one is as friendly as the first. Is that a weapon in it's hand? Approach with caution!

Some random car hoods, just laying around the forest floor. Oh wait, that is actually snow. Not sure how anyone would mistake snow for car parts. It happens more often than you think!

We walked along Barclay Creek, on our way to the lake.

A huge log bridge across the creek. More car parts to step over. haha

I love how the Forestry Service uses the natural materials to build the bridges and walkways in our hiking areas. So many bridges are created using giant downed trees.

Barclay Creek, running swiftly beneath the bridge.

It's a pretty long bridge.

That water is cold!

Rick, coming off the bridge.

A moss covered tree that Vic told me to photograph! =D I always do as I'm instructed. I'm pretty cool like that!

In every walk with Nature, one receives far more than he seeks.

Our first glimpse of Baring Mountain, through the trees.


Baring Mountain.

The pictures do not do it justice. It really is spectacular!

Some of the more rugged parts of the trail.

Barclay Lake

The Mark Family Portrait. Maybe I'll frame it. You can never have too many sticking your tongue out photos!

It's a Mother and Child Reunion! Ok, now I'm singing!

More tongue action. Yep, Vic fits in nicely.

It's not a gang sign, I tell ya! Say it again and I'll cut you! =D

An actual "normal" picture. Not many of these, better save it.

It really is a pretty place.

Flowers in bloom.

Jay and his toothpick. He attached a spinner to it and tried to fish.

No nibbles. =( We were prepping for a huge fish fry, Rick was busy making potato salad and Vic was getting the hush puppies ready. I saw him eyeing Pinkie. Oh no he didn't!

Stef asks "Hey Jay, what's for supper?" Jay replies "Potato salad and Hush Puppies!"

For such a tiny pole, that thing really cast pretty far....Kerplunk!

Calm waters.

A lake carries you into recesses of feeling otherwise impenetrable. ~William Wordsworth

Take a load off, Steffie! Take a load for free. Take a load off, Steffie. And, and, and...You put the load right on me! Alright, now I'm singing again.

My boy. =D

He's a great kid!

I'm not sure why, but this picture cracks me up!

Linda, enjoying the day.

Pink, it's my favorite Crayon!

Pinkie's Wilderness Adventures...continued.

Rick, enjoying trail mix.

What a great looking group! Vic, Sam, Linda, Rick, Jay and Stef. Random guy in our picture. How dare he!


There is a serene and settled majesty to woodland scenery that enters into the soul and delights and elevates it, and fills it with noble inclinations. - Washington Irving

Another angle of the mountain.

Framed by branches.

Framed by branches in shadows.


A perfect log bench!

Not much snow left on Baring Mountain.

Photo bombed by a tree!

Vic and Sam, deep in conversation.

Everything you ever wanted to know about Video Games 101. Seriously, they know everything! haha

The lake with the mountain behind it.

Merchant Peak, the other mountain that borders Barclay Lake.



Rick and Jay, deep in conversation.

Downed trees.

So pretty! Baring Mountain.

Rick! Was it cold out there?

Stef. Musta been!

Part of Baring.

About to make our way back to the trail head. Not sure what's up with my son's expression.

Back at the bridge.

Happiness flutters in the air whilst we rest among the breaths of nature.

Thinking of how refreshing...freezing...the water is.

Enjoying the rushing water.

I just find this type of stuff so interesting. Yes, easily amused.

Almost back to the trail head. Closer to Mexican food!

This is much bigger than it appears.


It was a totally awesome day, spent with quality people, in a beautiful, serene setting. It was a pretty good workout in the fresh air. What could be better? Absolutely nothing! We hope Vic will join us again. What a super guy! What a super day. What a super group of family and friends. =D We're planning another hike on June 15, perhaps Lake 22.
~Originally posted on June 2, 2013, by Stef~
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